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Shortlists FM23

FMInside Wonderkids Shortlist

Lazy Nov 8, 2022 Last modified: 8 Nov 37,246 views 13,577 downloads

This is the FMInside Wonderkids Shortlist for Football Manager 2023. This shortlist has over 400 wonderkids for FM23.

Would you be keen on adding over 400 wonderkids to your personal shortlist in Football Manager 2023? Than this download is exactly what you need! This is our yearly FMInside Wonderkids Shortlist which you can load directly into FM23! Once you have it loaded in the game you will have over 400 talented players to scout!

What is a wonderkid?

A wonderkid is a young player in Football Manager with a high potential. To make our list a player needs to be 21 years old or younger and have a Potential Ability of at least 150 or higher. Some of the players on our list are well known to the public and could even be labeled as a wonderkid in FM23. However, largest part of the list isn't well known to the public.

Important Disclaimer

This list with FM23 Wonderkids has been created by using a large database, loading ALL nations and competitions. The total amount of players on this list could therefore vary depending on the size of your database and number of nations loaded.


  • 471 players on the list
  • Every player on this list is at most 21-years-old.
  • Potential is at least -8 or 150+

Other FM23 Shortlists

How to install FMInside Wonderkids Shortlist

  1. Download the .fmf file 
  2. Move the file to \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\shortlists
  3. Load Football Manager
  4. Go to Scouting > Shortlist
  5. Open the menu under the GEAR icon
  6. Press Load Shortlist
  7. Pick the FMI Wonderkids Shortlist and press Load to finish


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