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News FM22

FM22 Giveaway! Treasure hunt!

FMInside Oct 13, 2021 Last modified: 24 Nov 3,550 views

We will be giving away two copies of Football Manager 2022 for our most trustworthy fans!

Football Manager 2022 Giveaway

This year we will be hosting our very own FM22 Giveaway competition and we are doing it a little different than usual. These days every giveaway on social media is the same: like us, follow this, share that, tweet this... After seeing these competitions for years, we have decided to go a different way. We don't want you be forced to follow any of our pages on social media. No, we want to reward our most trustworthy fans who know us and our website!

For that reason we have come up with an unique giveaway competition hosted on our very own website! We want to introduce the FM22 treasure hunt!

Treasure hunt!

We have inserted some nice treasures on our website and we want you to find them! Over the next two weeks we will be giving you some hints on where and how to find the treasures on our website.

The first two to make a screenshot of one of the treasures will win a free copy of Football Manager 2022, including early BETA access! In total we have two copies to give away.

How to enter

Browse our website and try to find the treasures using the hints we have given you! If you have found them, make a screenshot and send that screenshot to our e-mail adress: [email protected].

If you are one of the first two you will receive an e-mail back with the details of your winnings. If you have not finished in the top two we will not be answering your e-mail.


Below you will find the hints in order to find the treasures! We will be releasing a new hint every two days with a total of 6 hints to claim free copies of Football Manager 2022.

Hint 1: 2004

Hint 2: 09.11.2021

Hint 3: Netherlands

Hint 4: FMI Data Update(r)

Hint 5: Lazy

Pre-order FM22

If you don't want to rely on luck, please consider buying the game through FMInside. We have a great offer, which is around 30% cheaper than the price on Steam. By pre-ordering from our website you will also be supporting our website and help us to stay online for our fans.

See our FM22 pre-order offer


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